Automated Document Import

AutoImport is an add-on module to the core Imaging101 system that automatically imports documents from predefined locations on your network. It is most commonly used by our clients to import files scanned with multi-function machines. AutoImport is also a great tool to automatically import documents that are usually printed or stored in a network directory.

Now you can store ALL files in one location for easy access. Don’t print faxes – just redirect them to AutoImport and they will automatically route to a specific person or group of people. Do you record your phone calls for QA or legal purposes? Voice recordings can also be captured and filed.

AutoImport supports over 160 file types including PDF, TIF, Microsoft Office documents, JPG, MP3, AVI, etc. AutoImport can be set to monitor specific directories at a given time. Once it detects new files, it can import and automatically route them based on predefined profiles.

Users can run AutoImport manually or set it up as an operating system service. Users with administrative rights can define any number of Automated file import profiles. Simply determine a specific directory path, file specification such as *.PDF, how often to run and what Batch Queue, User, Priority and Status to automatically set as default upon import.

To sum up, the Imaging101 AutoImport module provides the ability to import files in any format into the Imaging101 system in an completely automated manner by scanning pre-defined folders at user-defined intervals for new files.