Accounting & Tax

Save Time & Money by automating your processes and providing ‘On Demand’ information.

Finding better ways for accounting and tax professionals to manage information is the key to providing better services. CPAs and accounting departments today need a paperless environment in order to efficiently and effectively manage information, compliance, and provide better service to their clients.

The cost benefits are real and measurable. For example; we have a CPA Firm that has eliminated 2 large storage units (approx. 20 x12) full of paper records. Not only did they eliminate their storage costs but also the time and money spent to search and find information. Most companies save a minimum of 30 minutes per employee per day by not having to look for paper records. Add to that the cost and time savings of not having to make unnecessary photocopies or duplicates. With Imaging101, information is easily emailed, faxed, or printed directly from your desktop. Client satisfaction will also improve by being able to answer question immediately as a result of having ‘On Demand’ information. Additionally, internal operation costs are reduced, and productivity is increased since less time is being spent shuffling through paper and more time is available to do actual work. Valuable office real estate is also reclaimed by getting rid of filling cabinets. The reclaimed space is now used for more productive purposes.

Imaging101 easily integrates with most third-party applications reducing duplicate data entry. Our Accounting and Tax Clients typically complete all of the work in their line of business application like Prosystem FX, UltraTax, Quickbooks, etc. then store the final version in Imaging101. Incoming information such as faxes, client letters, or other supporting documents are identified and stored as soon as they are received. Imaging101 complements any paper process offering a money saving method to work with otherwise paper archive and maintain final version documents. This includes not only scanned information but Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office documents, Pictures, video, voice, etc.

Besides this, most of the new IRS and Government Laws and Regulations are requiring better storage and documentation of all transactions. We at Imaging101 can make this possible very easily for you.


Our Clients can tell you how Imaging101 has saved them time & money.

Don’t just take our word for it read what our clients say. Our existing clients are always excited to talk about how they improved their companies’ performance and profitability. See how they saved on filing cabinets, paper, photocopies, overtime, couriers, off-site storage, wasted time and more.

“Imaging101 is a powerful database and document management system which easily lends itself to the workflow in an accounting firm. Security features built in the system are affective in implementing various levels of security within the firm.”
Alan Fiske, Fiske & Company

“We have eliminated two offsite storage facilities full of paper records saving us ongoing storage costs and retrieval fees.”
Greg Spaulding, Friedman, Cohen, & Taubman

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